在成都吃最正宗的日本烤肉!日本大叔为何选择在成都开十家料理店? |Chengdu Plus

Chengdu Plus

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成都位于中国西部,是一座快速发展的城市,现在已有2000多年的历史。 古老却新潮,市井又国际,传统且开放,成都的标签远不止于此,这无疑是一个潜力无限,机遇无限的城市。

Chengdu is a fast-developing city in the west of China with over 2,000 years of history. Old but new, local but international, traditional but open, Chengdu is a city with enormous potential and countless opportunities.

We make videos about everything in this city, exploring and recording Chengdu stories of different people living here. You can find almost everything you’d like to know about Chengdu’s culture, food, history, art, music, sports, economics, etc. here.
Come with me, and you’ll see an amazing Chengdu beyond your imagination!

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